~Pl!AGt..:E T"Ai\IIL Y. 1.> and Grnc ~pw~ue (her mark). and "itn ss,~d by ~amucl ~prague nnd Jonathan I )clanuc. I find al~o in these Hccords a copy of an agrcf•rncnt, e dated .i'\u\crniH::r :Hlth, I'72a, bct\\et•n Christopher \Vad::;· worth and Grace 8prague, '' idow, relict of \\ dli:un ~pr:-~guc, concerning the di'i~ion of Nuilll ll ill , and lands m that 'icillitY . .. - - North 11 Ill is nuw in the po-=:-..c sion of IIon. Seth SpragtH , Jr., and "as purcha~ed by him at the auction sale of tlw property of the late ...-amucl A. Frazer. :'\ OTE ' I. p IICl IG. n I f 1 1 Jl a! II~ t)ll \\ OOd C'Jrl 13) 1 'I hl xt axe .... heard at opcmug da~ ; 'T'ltc hc1bht referred 10 i:s f'1op/lti11's I f ill iu llnxbury, calhd in honor of tht• 1< '110\\ w~d ( '·rptain 1\Itlc~, 1d1sh wlw:::.c• p11lpcrty, With land adja('(.)ut, 1t once\\ a~, and wlws' resHlent.:e was 11 •ar tile 1nargin of 1ts sou th-eastcrn slope. uot far frou1 tll · sea-shot~. 'rhe site of Ius hou::;e aud the spnng ftoul \vl11ch be drc'\ \\ atCI h t\ P. 1Jccn identified, and are pon1ted nut at tlte pres ut day. T 1 to~n of DuxbJr) \\:lS prolmblj &o named h) .~l::uuiJ:,h o r th f. rmly st: t ot h :s anPt stor:, Ill 1 :ug-land. ll<: du.d Ill • H .JG. Th hous ut \\ tlch lte L' ~.;d \\ 3.!:i ,1f'tr 1 "ard::; hut Ill, \d11le up! d bj Ill old st son, Ale).. nder. f:, llilllt'C' of the li1 t> still x1st on the spot; but at \\ l1at da.tc 11 took pl:we IS uot ,., rtainly knu\\n, lt 1. sLat d by l{us::;ell [Gutde tv }J!ymuuth,Appeudix